Christ Temple Bible Way

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Prayer for Godly wisdom in the affairs of life

Father, You said if any one lacks wisdom, let him ask You, Who giveth to all men liberally, and unbraideth not; and it shall be given him. Therefore, I ask in faih, nothing wavering, to be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Today I incline my ear unto wisdon, and apply my heart to understanding so that I might receive that which has been freely given unto me.
In The Name of Jesus, I receive skill and godly wisdom and instruction. I decern and comprehend the words of understanding and insight. I receive instruction in wise dealing and the discipline of wise thougjtfulness, righteousness, justice, and integrity. Preudence, knowledge, descretion, and discernmet are given to me. I increse in knowledge. As a person of understanding, I acquire skill and attain to sound counsels so that I wil steer my course rightly.
Jesus has been made unto me wisdom, and in Him are all tresures of divine wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and hidden. Therefore, I will walk paths of uprightness. My path will be clear and open, I take hold of instruction, and my gaze is straight before me.
Father, in The Name of Jesus, I look carefully to how I walk! I live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as unwise and witless, but as a wise, sensible, intelligent person; making the very most of my time buying up every opportunity.
In Jesus Name Amen

Please pray for these people and their needs

Elder and First Lady Jackson of CTB

Pray for:

Terry Gavin 
Allen Correctional Institution
He has been denied Parole.
Pray that he may repent for the sin before and after his incarceration,In Jesus Nam.

Briggetta Alloway-Williams, to remember her first Love Who Is Christ Jesus

Betty Horton & Family
Spiritual Warfare

Darnell Smith, That he may See and Know The Truth of Christ Jesus in life.

Pray for the US service men & women

Elders Jerry and Linda Jackson
Bishop Pittman
Elder Roger and Ethelyn Gavin
Joan Boykin
Tatum Boykin
Ross Kizer The Lord Jesus may order He steps
Vernon Tunstall The Lord Jesus will give him peace of mind and that he learn forgiveness
Darnell and Reginal Smith
Valerie Copper-Richardson
The entire Norris  family
Don Hudson Jr.

Luther Bailey
Barbatos, Corpministries
helping the underprivledge in that Country

James Ringfield
Building a school for children that have emotional problems
Cleveland/Willougby Hills, Ohio